Among small businesses, offering home services is a growing trend. I’m talking about things like laundry services, maids, cooks and chefs, and landscaping, as well as some off-beat service like antique hunting or organizers. Home services are characterized by accessibility to the consumer market and tend to get customer bases that consist of busy home owners and professionals. These are savvy people who want to trade some money for your expertise so they can get the results they want.
With a marketplace full of savvy and choosey buyers and with almost no barriers to entry, it’s no wonder that many home services businesses use vinyl wraps to brand their vehicles, make a great impression, and spread the word about their offering. If you’re in this field, here’s what you have to keep in mind!
A Market without Barriers

When you arrive at the home of a new or prospective client, you’re going to have yourself put together to make a good impression. That’s a given, regardless of whether your expertise is ordinary or eclectic. You’re going to be judged by many factors, including the scope of your services, what results you can produce, what others are saying about you, and the appearance that you make.
This first pass is going to determine how you stand out from your peers in the marketplace. A well-executed wrap will help you distinguish yourself from others in your field by boosting your standing in all of those key areas.
And don’t forget, these types of services scale dramatically as demand for your service rises because demand, in this space, is often a factor of how well you can promote yourself.
So, for example, if you’re a sole operator with a single vehicle and you market yourself well, you’ll be able to hire people and become a larger company. If you add another operator who drives another service vehicle, your company gets more recognition and spreads brand awareness while they’re in the field. With careful execution, this sort of feedback loop can contribute to a growing, successful company.
Make a Sparkling Impression

Remember that when you arrive on scene, your vehicle is going to get noticed by the clients or prospects. A dirty vehicle can reflect poorly on you. If you do any sort of cleaning services, for example, you need to make sure your vehicle reflects that image by keeping it polished. The same goes for any hygienic services like in-home grooming, pet care, nursing, or food services. If you’re looking for tips to keep your wrapped vehicle clean, click here.
If and when your business begins to grow and you need to invest in a fleet, each vehicle needs to be clean and present a good image—so keep in mind that you’ll need to manage that.
Wrapping Makes It Easy To Look Good

You might be tempted to use a temporary marking, like a top-of-the-car or magnetic sign. The problem with this is you’ll have to—somehow—ensure that your employees don’t forget to put them in place before they roll out. And keep in mind that all of the signs need to look the same—both in design and in context. If someone sees your sign on a red sedan and the same design on a white minivan, what will they think that you do? Will they know that the two vehicles are affiliated with the same company?
Getting vinyl lettering or a vinyl wrap for your service vehicle or fleet makes it easy for you to make a good impression. One big tip is to use a logo or graphics that communicate what you do so people know without having to guess based on the company name. This is also a good spot to use a QR code—a special bar code that can lead smartphone users to your website or to special offers. And if you’re going to be wrapping a fleet (two or more vehicles), you’ll be able to match the colors digitally on all the wraps. The uniform look will make your service vehicles instantly identifiable in the community.